Our Ingredients

BETA –CAROTENE –  as topical protects the cell membranes and stimulates the growth of new skin cells.

Everybody knows that, it’s a proven facts studied and researched by many scientist and cosmetic companies.

BETA –CAROTENE – as a supplement many has boasting their efficacy in slowing down most of the aging related diseases such as diabetics, cardiovascular disease or cancer.

But do you know that as monotherapy with isolated beta-carotene has failed to reduce cancer or cardiovascular disease incidence/mortality.

BETA –CAROTENE – has to work together hand in hand with Vitamin E and Vitamin C in order to achieve the desired result, and Vitamin C is always useless to take as topical because Vitamin C will oxidize when exposed to light, you then have to consume enough of Vitamin C orally, especially more for it to reach your skin which is the last distribution part of your body.

Our secret ingredient embedded exclusively in our formulation of the exact ratio, at the right concentration and the correct percentage of Beta- Carotene in combination of other ingredients in our soap making. We do not use carrot juice, pumpkin seeds oil or other extract of leafy vegetable as our source of Beta-Carotene as we believed those will not achieved the desired result. Hence, our Beta-Carotene is very specially formulated at a very high percentage of concentrated pure Beta – Carotene.

Source of Beta-Carotene

Rice Bran Oil

Rice bran oil is a naturally occurring source of many antioxidants such as Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, Gamma Oryzanol, Phytosterols, Polyphenols and Squalene.


Squalene is highly exploited by cosmetic companies as one of the most natural moisturizer to fight wrinkle and aging skin! Is this true?

Yes, many of us failed to understand that Squalene is the first layer protective sebum an organic compound naturally exist on our skin to behave as our skin protector against UVA and oxidation.

Do you know that Squalene can be made synthetically ?

Yes , Squalene can be manufactured in the laboratory, but this does not always yield the same mix of isomers as natural squalene production.

From animals origin shark livers are rich in Squalene but killing of such indigenous species is prohibited in many countries.

Hence, the most and abundant of natural source of Squalene is from plants origin which is mostly from olive oil, rice bran and wheat germ.

That is the main reason why Rice Bran oil is one of our important ingredients.

Please refer to our Articles column for further reading.

Ferulic Acid

The chemical structure of Gamma-Oryzanol is two molecules in one, first a plant sterol and second ferulic acid.

Let’s not talking about Sterol as sterol will only benefit human when it’s digested.  As topical application it does not permeate further than stratum corneum.

Another important source of antioxidant which has not much discussion on the subject is Ferulic Acid.

Ferulic acid is an antioxidant found naturally in plant cell walls, leaves and seeds. A good amount of Ferulic acid is found in oats, brown rice, whole wheat, peanuts, apples, and pineapples.

Research indicates that Ferulic acid may improve the stability of Vitamin C in water solution. Also, the addition of Ferulic acid to the combination of vitamins C and E appears to increase protection from UV-induced skin damage. The addition of Ferulic acid to a vitamin C + vitamin E formula almost doubled the UV-protection benefits.

Please refer to our Articles column for further reading.

Why Do Use Olive Oil?

Olive Oil has won many accolades from many researchers. As has been mentioned by them, that Olive Oil contains a wide variety of valuable antioxidants. We are not going to talk about most of the components. Except only for one component which we thought play the major role in Olive Oil, the compound is called Hydroxytyrosol.

1) Hydroxytyrosol –  Below is the molecular structure of  Hydroxytyrosol , Excess charge accumulation on the atoms of HTy shows an interesting feature. All carbon atoms have negative excess charge except the one bonded to upper oxygen on the ring. Hydrogen atom bonded to the same oxygen (upper on the ring) has the largest positive excess charge. It is most probable that this hydrogen atom (having largest positive excess charge) is donated firstly and primarily during the radical scavenging reaction. That could be the reason why Hydroxytyrosol acting as anti-oxidant .

2)  The Second reason why Hydroxytyrosol is also a viable anti-aging is because their molecule weight is very low, it’s only weight at 154.16 g/mol. Any compound with molecule weight less than 500 Dalton will be able to penetrate the skin barrier and be absorbed into the Stratum Corneum.

3)  The third reason is because Hydroxytyrosol also act as anti-inflammatory. It prevented the cytokines formation, nitric oxide generation, inhibited nitric oxide synthase and  cyclooxygenase -2 expression in lipopolysaccharide – induced human monocytic cells.

  • Prevent the Cytokines Formation – A cytokine is a small protein released by cells that has a specific effect on the interactions between cells, on communications between cells.
  • Inflammation can be blamed on increased production of cytokines. During the inflammatory process, white blood cells also exit blood vessels and enter tissues to release chemical to begin tissue repair. But over production of cytokines may lead to tumor or any other chronic disease such as heart failure, cancer, depression and chronic pain.
  • Prevent Nitric Oxide Generation – Nitric Oxide is a free radical. In mammals including humans, Nitric Oxide is an important cellular signaling molecule involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Low levels of Nitric Oxide production are important in protecting an organ. Chronic expression of Nitric Oxide is associated with various carcinomas and inflammatory conditions including juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and ulcerative colitis.
  • How Hydroxytyrosol help to Prevent Nitric Oxide – By inhibiting against ascorbate-Fe 2+
  • ( Ferrous ascorbate) induced lipid peroxidation. Ferrous ascorbic it’s a form of iron, plays an important role in taking oxygen and transporting it to where it is needed in the body. Iron is taken into the red blood cells and made into hemoglobin. Hemoglobin actually carries the oxygen around in the body.
  • Lipid peroxidation – refers to the oxidative degradation of lipids . It is the process in which free radicals “steal” electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage. This process proceeds by a free radical chain reaction mechanism.
  • Lipids constitute a broad group of naturally occurring molecules that include fatswaxessterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides,diglyceridestriglyceridesphospholipids, and others. The main biological functions of lipids include energy storage, as structural components of cell membranes, and as important signaling molecules.
  • Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts.  The function of the enzyme is to lower the activation energy of reactions.  Cyclooxygenase (COX) is  an enzyme responsible for formation of important biological mediators called prostanoids, including prostaglandins, prostacyclin and thromboxane. Pharmacological inhibition of COX can provide relief from the symptoms of inflammation and pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, exert their effects through inhibition of COX.
  • But we also can achieved the same effects through inhibition of COX by using natural Flavanoids.
  • Here is the complete list of foods that are the best sources for Flavonoids – make sure they are part of your diet: black berries, blueberries, red berries, red and purple grapes, green tea, chocolate, apple, apricots, oranges grapefruit, lemons, onions, kale, leeks, broccoli, cranberries, parsley, thyme, celery, peppers, soy legumes. Every one of these is anti-inflammatory and can help rebuild your body.
  • Monocytes are a type of white blood cell and are part of the innate immune system. One of their function is in response to inflammation signals, monocytes can move quickly (approx. 8-12 hours) to sites of infection in the tissues.
  • Monocytosis is the state of excess monocytes in the peripheral blood. It may be indicative of various disease states. Examples of processes that can increase a monocyte count include chronic inflammation, stress response, hyperadrenocorticism , immune-mediated disease, pyogranulomatous disease, necrosis, red cell regeneration, Viral Fever  and  sarcoidosis.
  • Please refer to our Articles column for further reading.

Why Vitamin E?

  • Vitamin E exists in eight different forms, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols.  All feature a chromanol ring, with a hydroxyl  group that can donate a hydrogen atom to reduce free radicals and ahydrophobic  side chain which allows for penetration into biological membranes.
  • Chemically, vitamin E in all of its forms functions as an antioxidant. All of the tocotrienol and tocopherol  isomers  have this antioxidant activity due to the ability to donate a hydrogen atom (a proton plus electron) from the hydroxyl group on the chromanol ring, to a free radical in the body.
  • Thus, one model for the function of vitamin E in the body is that it protects cell membranes, active enzyme sites, and DNA from free radical damage.
  • Since the 1980s, there have been more studies proving tocotrienols are more potent in their anti-oxidation  and anti-cancer effect  than the common forms of tocopherol due their chemical structure.
  • The unsaturated side-chain in tocotrienols causes them to penetrate tissues with saturated fatty layers more efficiently,  making them ideal for anti-aging oral supplements  and the skincare range.  Tocotrienols are better able than tocopherols at combating oxidative stress of skin that had been exposed to UV rays of the sunlight.
  • Vitamin E has long been known for its antioxidative properties against lipid peroxidation in biological membranes and alpha-tocopherol is considered to be the most active form.
  • In vivo, tocotrienols are more powerful antioxidants, and lipid ORAC values are highest for δ-tocotrienol. Since 2000, scientists have suggested tocotrienols are better antioxidants than tocopherols  at preventing cardiovascular disease  and cancer. From the pharmacological standpoint, current formulation of vitamin E supplements, composed mainly of alpha– tocopherol, seems questionable.
  • Please refer to our Articles column for further reading

Why Essential Oil

  • When you are stress ful, tense or feeling restless it much got to do with your limbic systems in the brain. (To understand more of the limbic system, please refer to our articles).
  • And our Olfactory System ( the sense of smell) is directly connected  to our brain and goes directly to our limbic systems.  Converting the essential oil aroma and volatile molecules into the nose and relaying the information to the brain. Electrochemical messages are sent to the appropriate part of the brain, especially the limbic systems triggering the release of neuro-chemicals and causing subsequent effects such as feeling of calmness and relaxation.
  • This is the very reasons why we are using essential oils as our fragrance instead of synthetic perfume. Because the fundamental nature of most essential oils, they are extremely volatile substances. They will evaporate faster to the air and into our respitory system as well as our Olfactory system. That is why after using soap with essential oil as fragrance the smell on your body will not linger as longer as the systhetic fragrance which tend to stay on your skin much more longer. That is why you will find synthetic fagrance smell more nicer and longer on your body compare to essential oil.
  • That is the same basic reasons why those people who are allergic to artificial fragrance will develop skin disease such as atopic eczema because the chemical from the synthetic fragrance stays on their skin which the body recognized them as foreign substance, not to mentioned other chemical substances added up inside the soap itself such as artificial emmolient like dimethicone to act as moisturizer. All of this synthetically produce substance is corrosive to the skin, and when the skin becoming thinner they are more succumb to foreign invader to attack the skin due to lesser of the skin barrier.
  • Even though both artificial synthetic fragrance and essential oil are able to cross the blood brain barrier and goes direct t our brain but each of them have different effect to our skin, our respirotary system and the brain system. Please refer to our articles on “Sweet Poison: What Your Nose Can’t Tell You About The Dangers of Perfume”.  To further understand the significant effect of the synthetic fragrance to human as well as to the environment.
  • Please refer to our Articles column for further reading

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