Soap for Crack Heels

Our soap are force to go through a long hours of labour intensive production in order to maintain the consistency of the quality, which is impossible can be achieved by mass production

From formulating to processing until packaging we are totally free from any machine manipulation and because of that every each bar of our soap is very special and uniquely invented especially for you.

Please look into our ingredients to understand more about our soap.

One bar of our Luxury Soap will only Cost you UDS 4.50 including all taxes.

This price is way below of all your cost to purchase the creams, oils, lotions and shower gels to moist and smoothen your skin. (Which could have cost you about USD 50 for all those items)

With only a Bar Of Soap you can safe all the hassle of applying this and that which is time consuming and very inconvenient.

Say goodbye to ;-

Headache of choosing the right brands!

Making the shopping list !

Paying for the advertisement cost !

Save your money !

A Simple, Easy & Convenient way !

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